Taki Residence

Architecture Design Award Winner.
Awarded for Good Architecture, Building and Structure Design.

Taki Residence
by Hikohito Konishi

  • Awarded April 15, 2018
  • 8.518
A hole is dug in the slope to insert the garage and entrance. Public spaces including the living room, dining room, and kitchen are accessible from the stairs penetrating the ground. Upon emerging out of the ground, one finds himself/herself in the living space in the resort villa, which feels like part of the surrounding nature, embraced by beautiful snow and trees. This building was named "Taki" (waterfall) by the client, inspired from the landscape design where water drawn from the nearby creek flows into the entrance approach.

A hole is dug in the slope to insert the garage and entrance. Public spaces including the living room, dining room, and kitchen are accessible from the stairs penetrating the ground. Upon emerging out of the ground, one finds himself/herself in the living space in the resort villa, which feels like part of the surrounding nature, embraced by beautiful snow and trees. This building was named "Taki" (waterfall) by the client, inspired from the landscape design where water drawn from the nearby creek flows into the entrance approach.

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Good  Design

Taki Residence

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Taki Residence

Taki Residence

Hikohito Konishi

Designer of Taki Residence

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